Breastfeeding Virtual Workshop

This 2-hour workshop is offered on Zoom, with a class recording available for 3 months following class. The content is informed by my training through The Center for Breastfeeding Lactation Counselor Training, in addition to my own personal experience breastfeeding, and covers evidence-based information on the following topics:

  • The benefits of breastfeeding and breastfeeding myths & misconceptions

  • The importance of skin-to-skin and the golden hour

  • Feeding frequency & learning baby’s cues

  • Baby positioning and latching

  • Assessing Intake

  • Strategies to address common breastfeeding problems

  • Tips on pumping

Supplementary handouts will be shared after class.

Virtual Workshop Date & Time:
Tuesday, March 25

Register below and make sure to finish checking out by clicking on the cart in the upper right hand corner of your screen!

Virtual Breastfeeding Workshop